IRIM focuses on improving appropriate mechanisms, legislation and controls for the government’s activities, and for the integrity, transparency and accountability of public services in general.

All IRIM’s work draws upon experiences gained from previous studies, as well as engagements with a variety of stakeholders; including: citizens, civil society organisations, policy makers and others. Governance projects account for around 50% of IRIM’s consultancy work.

Examples of governance-related projects implemented by IRIM include the following :

  • Glass Wallet. 2009-2010. IRIM implemented a project - entitled the ‘Glass Wallet Project’ - for the Open Society Forum, aimed at strengthening local government capacity regarding budget transparency. For this project, IRIM provided support training and guidelines to local governments, helping them improve their budget transparency. IRIM also trained citizens and civil society organisations on ways of participating in government budget processes. The work in this area influenced the subsequent passing of the government’s ‘Law on Glass Accounts’ in 2014.
  • Evaluation of Government Agency Website Transparency. Since 2009. In 2009 IRIM implemented a project evaluating transparency of government agencies’ websites; on behalf of the UNDP. Since 2014, IRIM has undertaken annual monitoring, to measure and evaluate implementation of the ‘Law on Information Transparency and Right to Information’ and the ‘Law on Glass Account’. As a result of these works, there has been a database of changes to the government website
  • Consulting Service. 2017. IRIM has implemented several projects for improving planning and control within government agencies; in accordance with the government resolution #89 (enacted in 2017) ‘Common Procedures for Assessing, Monitoring and Evaluating the Implementation of Policy Papers and Operation of Administrative Bodies’. Within this framework, IRIM provided consultancy services for improving development planning and monitoring (in complying with the above provisions) by using ‘Integrated Results-Based Management’ of European Union.

IRIM also developed general guidance for organizing the ‘Citizen Satisfaction Survey’ in collaboration with the World Bank and with approval of the Cabinet Secretariat of the Government of Mongolia.