Although all Mongolian citizens have the right to learn, some groups (including migrants, herders, vulnerable children, and children with disability) have less access to, and opportunities within, secondary and higher education. IRIM has undertaken various projects which contribute to the improvement of access to, and quality of, secondary and higher education for all; especially vulnerable groups. 

Examples of projects implemented by IRIM within the education sector include the following .

  • Disability and Education. 2014-2015. This research was one of the few nationally representative endeavours focused on the education issues of children with disability. As a result of the research, the existing education situation of children with disability, and stakeholders’ perceptions of various types of education systems, were identified. In addition, obstacles (and solutions) to providing an education to children with disabilities were identified.  
  • Baseline and End line Survey of ‘Strengthening Schools to Nurture Effective School Readiness and Learning Experiences in First Grade Children of Mongolia’ project. 2015-2018. Within the survey, parents’ (teachers’ and other stakeholders’) knowledge and perceptions on first graders’ learning skills and participation were identified. Schools’ mechanisms – related to the above - were assessed. The baseline survey contributed to the development of an action plan for the ‘Strengthening Schools to Nurture Effective School Readiness and Learning Experiences in First Grade Children of Mongolia’ project, which enabled evidence-based planning.
  • ‘Higher Education Responsiveness to the Labour Market’ Consultancy Service. 2015-2018. IRIM provided technical assistance for higher education institutes, and the MECSS, in designing, conducting and analysing: quarterly graduate tracer studies, annual labour market surveys, employer satisfaction surveys, and the preparation of user-friendly reports. The latter will be used to review higher education programmes and curricula, and provide career information and guidance for students. The reports will also contribute to development of industry training programs and joint research projects (through public-private partnerships.