Start date:
15 August 2018
Completion date:
15 October 2018
The Asia Foundation
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To do this, quantitative and qualitative data were captured through a desk study of relevant documents and a survey of a representative sample of WBC’s beneficiaries, which was incorporated with the findings from a focus group discussion (FGD) of BI’s beneficiaries.

We determined a project’s relevance, effectiveness, impact and sustainability following sub-objectives:

  1. Current business profile and involvement in the WBC project
  2. Changes in women’s knowledge and attitude towards business, and impact on business operations after involvement in the WBC
  3. Satisfaction with the WBC project


  • To review relevant documents and reports and in order to design survey tools.
  • To collect 200 questionnaire of participants, that questionnaire made and discussed for the beneficiaries of WBC with clients.
  • To conduct two focus group discussion with 24 Business Incubator graduates.
  • To provide an inception report, final report and database to the client.