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World Vision Mongolia (WVM)
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Project objectives and goals

The main objective of the project is to empower children with disabilities (CWD) in urban areas to increase their access to education in regular schools. There are two intended outcomes. These are:

  • To improve local identification standards and mechanisms to detect CWD in regular schools
  • To empower families and educational organizations to access appropriate education services, learning resources, and personal development opportunities for CWD.

IRIM is responsible for undertaking work towards achieving the first outcome.

Project dates

The project is being implemented between June 2016–September 2017.

Project Target Areas

Bayanzurkh Duureg:

  • School number 48,102 and 79
  • Khoroo- 2,9,17,19,21,24,27

Chingeltei Duureg

  • School number 17,37 and72
  • Khoroo- from 13,14,15,16,17,18,19

Songinokhairkhan Duureg

  • School number 74,121 and 124
  • Khoroo- 21,24,26 and 31

IRIM conducted following activities under the implementing of the outcome 1 during past time:

1. Baseline survey:

We conducted a baseline survey and interviews in three Ulaanbaatar duuregs. The surveys and interviews included parents, nine schools teachers,  khoroo social workers, six non-government organizations (NGO) and specialists from the Social Development and Education Departments of the duureg governor. In total, 312 questionnaires and 60 interviews were conducted.

2. Policy Analysis: The project team undertook a review of the clauses related to CWD in policy documents, laws and regulations that are currently applicable in Mongolia. The team then validated the results of the review with government experts and NGOs.

3. International best practice comparison: We reviewed the practices in four countries that have inclusive education policies—Australia, Ireland, Thailand and the United States of America. In completing the comparison we examined the following areas:

  • rules and regulations regarding CWD assessment
  • tools and methodology used to assess CWD
  • who the stakeholders are regarding CWD assessment

4. Working group:

The project team created a working group that developed a screening tool for identifying CWD at an early stage. The ten-person working group consisted of specialists working in the education of CWD, specialists from duureg governors' offices and representatives from NGOs.

Based on its research and consultation with relevant stakeholders, the working group selected an international identification tool called the 'Washington Group-Child Functioning Module' developed by the United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund (UNICEF). The working group determined that the tool will help achieve the project's purpose and is therefore suitable. This is the tool that is due to be piloted.

5. Trial of the screening tool in target schools

The pilot targeted 500 pupils in total. We stratified the sample into three groups:—identified CWD, children identified as potentially being CWD and children who have not been identified as CWD /normal children/. The project team conducted training on the screening tool and its methodology for participating school teachers and social workers.

Based on the outcomes of the trial, the project team finalised the screening tool and manual, and distributed it to all the relevant stakeholders including family doctors, teachers, khoroo social workers and parents who have CWD.

Future directions

Following piloting of the tool and the finalisation of all relevant guidance, we anticipate that regular school teachers and khoroo social workers will be able to use the ‘Child Functioning Module’ to do an initial screening for CWD. The information from this assessment will then be used to select which students should undergo further formal assessment by the Sub-Commission of Health, Education, and Social Welfare.

It is anticipated that there will be a range of positive outcomes from this work. Firstly, we anticipate that the widespread use of the tool will improve the quality of the available statistics related to CWD. Secondly, it will allow for targeted assessments by the Sub-Commission of Health, Education, and Social Welfare, which should improve efficiency. Finally, we anticipate that the tool will allow for the identification of many CWD who would not otherwise have been identified.