Monitoring and Evaluation

Monitoring and evaluation are key specializations with the highest capacity of IRIM. Unlike other projects, IRIM is committed to providing professional independent, evidence-based, reliable research products.

In this context, IRIM has an active membership in national, regional, and international associations and networks of professional evaluators, and continuously improves the M&E capabilities of its teams and experts through cooperation and networks. Specifically:

IRIM has been a board member of Asia Pacific Evaluation Association since 2017.

  • IRIM co-founded Mongolian Evaluation Network with fellow evaluators and specialists in Mongolia in 2017. Currently we hold the position of secretary. 
  • IRIM has participated in a globally reputable program; the International Program for Development Evaluation Training (IPDET) since 2016.

Monitoring and evaluation accounts for around 30% of our services.

  • Mid-term monitoring of project and program
    This category of research involves an assessment with objective of measuring the results of project and program against the logic framework and monitoring and evaluation indicators and assessment progresses and performances.

    Mid-term monitoring on the Sustainable Employment for Youth Program, 2019, Zorig Foundation.

  • Baseline, mid-term and endline assessment of project and program
    This category of research involves an assessment with objective of measuring the results of project and program against the logic framework and monitoring and evaluation indicators, conducted in the beginning, in the mid and at the end of the project and program.

    Mid-term monitoring of the State Policy on Population Development, MLSP, 2021.

  • Impact assessment
    This category of research involves studying positive and negative and direct and indirect impact of policy, program and project on beneficiaries, infrastructure and environment.

    Covid-19 Impact Assessment on Micro and Small-scale Women Business Enterprises in Mongolia, The Asia Foundation, 2021.

  • Rapid assessment
    This category of research is a rapid study, where data collection is administered in a short period of time to identify the existing situations.

    Rapid Assessment on the Effectiveness of the Implementation of the Vertical Expansion of the Child Money Program and Food Stamp Program during the COVID-19 Pandemic, UNICEF, 2021

  • Real-time monitoring
    This category of research is conducted to collect real-time data on the performance of project and program to monitor and analyse.

    Real-time Monitoring of Fiscal Tightening and Changes on Social Welfare Spending, UNICEF, 2019.

  • Evaluability assessment
    This category of research has purpose to evaluate the project and program designs and their monitoring and evaluation indicators in terms of their evaluability, or feasibility.