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International Organization for Migration
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Between March 2020 and October 2021, Independent Research Institute of Mongolia (IRIM) conducted research on emerging trends of human trafficking causes, dynamics, as well as on the vulnerability and resilience levels. Producing policy and programme recommendations for the Mongolia’s government and NGOs, is one of the main purpose of this assessment.

The objectives of the baseline assessment are:

  • Objective 1: Explore risks and protective factors that create vulnerability and resilience to human trafficking in Mongolia, using the IOM Determinants of Migrant Vulnerability (DoMV)[1]
  • Objective 2: Outline human trafficking routes, trends and patterns within and outside Mongolia.
  • Objective 3: Determine necessary assistance and support for people who have experienced trafficking within and outside Mongolia as well as identify specific needs of vulnerable groups, including female victims of trafficking and children.
  • Objective 4: Identify priority programmes and policy interventions that may be effective in combating external and internal labour trafficking and sex trafficking.

This was the first such study specifically examining this issue in the country and will aim to be a key step in supporting all the actors involved in the fight against trafficking.


Details of the tasks done within the project include:

  • Developed the inception report including document review results and scope of the research methodology
  • Designed and developed quantitative and qualitative 4 survey tools
  • Prepared training manual and conducted several training of enumerators
  • Organized a data collection in the field in cooperation with the local governors
  • Conducted data entry and three phased data quality checking
  • Cleaned and developed data set for the data analysis
  • Conducted analysis on quantitative and qualitative data gathered from the field
  • Developed evaluation final report

All deliverables are developed in both languages, English and Mongolian

Baseline Assessment into the Causes, Dynamics, Vulnerability and | IOM Mongolia

[1] The Determinants of Migrant Vulnerability was developed to identify, protect, and assist migrants who have experienced or are vulnerable to violence, exploitation, and abuse before, during or after migrating, and to guide the development and implementation of interventions to reduce such vulnerability. It considers risk factors (which contribute to vulnerability) and protective factors (which improve capabilities to avoid, cope with or recover from harm), and the way that the two interact, based on four dimensions: individual factors, household and family factors, community factors and structural factors.

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