Start date:
July 2019
Completion date:
December 2019
Ministry of Labor, National employment service, research and information center
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This project is a large sample survey that uses tracking methodology that can represent nationwide data. This is the third survey covering graduates of universities and Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) institutions who finished school in the academic year 2015-2016. 

The survey aims to identify the graduates’ employment, form and time of hiring through recruitment agencies, skill match, challenges they face in the workplace, and reasons of unemployment. Moreover, the goal of the survey is to provide the sector policy developers, decision makers of universities, TVET institutions, and researchers with quantitative data. 

Description of actual services provided by your staff within the assignment: 

  • The client has developed and provided recommendations on improving the tools; and finalized it.     

  • Survey tools were pre-tested in the targeted two areas.  

  • Enough researchers were mobilized to conduct over 5000 graduates.   

  • Nationwide survey plan was developed and high quality survey was done within the contracted period.  

  • Quality of the data was monitored both internally and by client. Revisions were made immediately.  

  • Data entry, clearance, development of unified high quality database was performed in a short term.  

  • Hard copies of the data were archived and delivered according to the client’s archiving standard. 

  • Research findings, contact address, records of the visits were delivered to the client.  

  • Inception report, progress report and technical reports on data collection and data entry were provided to the client. 

Report: Хөдөлмөр, нийгмийн хамгааллын сургалт, үнэлгээ, судалгааны институт (

Attached files
Төгсөгчдийн_хөдөлмөр_эрхлэлтийн_судалгаа_2019_(2015-2016) (1).pdf