Development studies

Over the past 16 years, IRIM has successfully conducted regional and national research and evaluations in key areas including education, gender equality, social protection, public health, and urban and rural development. In doing so, the Institute prioritizes the concept of ’leaving no one behind’, advocates for the interests of different social groups, and strives to ensure equal opportunities for all.

The primary development sectors and areas IRIM focuses on include:


  • Social Well-being

    In 2016, IRIM initiated the Social Well-Being Survey of Mongolia and has conducted it annually as part of IRIM’s social responsibility efforts. The primary objective of this study is to disseminate scientific information about subjective well-being indicators, including social cohesion, social trust, and happiness, to the public. Additionally, it aims to influence decision-making by emphasizing the importance of considering social capital indicators. In 2017, IRIM became a member of the International Social Well-being Research Consortium and has since been engaged in this field through participating in, and co- organizing with, regional and international conferences, implementing collaborative projects, and co-authoring academic publications. Moreover, since 2010, IRIM has been a member of the International Sociological Association (ISA), representing Mongolia, and adheres to the Code of Ethics endorsed by the ISA.

  • Education

    IRIM provides research and consulting services on the quality and accessibility of primary and secondary education, as well as on issues related to education and employment in higher education and technical and vocational institutes. In recent years, the Institute has collaborated with international organizations, such as: the World Bank, the United Nations Children’s Fund, and Japan’s Save the Children Fund, as well as government organizations including the Ministry of Education and Science and the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection. This was to study the issues of inclusive education and generate evidence-based information to support decision- making. Projects implemented within this sector represent around 10% of the total.

  • Gender and Target group issues

    Since 2017, IRIM has been serving as a member of the National Committee for Gender Equality. IRIM has extensive experience in implementing projects on gender equality in Mongolia, as well as evaluating the implementation of gender policies and plans across various sectors. In addition, IRIM integrates the GEDSI (Gender Equality, Disability, and Social Inclusion) approach into its research projects in other fields, ensuring gender equality is mainstreamed in every phase of the project. For instance, in all IRIM’s research across various fields, data is disaggregated by gender, identify any results related to gender differences and characteristics, and reflect these in the findings and recommendations of the research.

    IRIM has extensive experience in implementing numerous research and evaluation projects that specifically focus on the interests of socially disadvantaged groups that are hard to reach, such as: people with disabilities, victims of violence and crime, LGBTQ+ communities, ethnic minorities, residents of remote areas, and migrants. IRIM prioritizes a human-centered approach in human rights research, and our researchers participate in the Research, Ethics, Compliance, and Safety Training provided by the internationally renowned Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI Program). IRIM adheres to the guidelines of this standard in all research activities related to human rights and dignity.

  • Public health

    IRIM has been implementing projects aimed at evaluating public health policies and programs in Mongolia, studying access to health services, health education, practices, and behaviors of different groups, and identifying the main factors affecting human health.

    When conducting research on human health, IRIM presents its research methodology to the Academic Council and the Ethics Committee of the Ministry of Health, the Mongolian National University of Medical Sciences, and the Ach Medical University, and obtain their approval.

    In addition to research projects, IRIM also initiates and implements projects aimed at supporting the health and well-being of vulnerable populations during disasters. For instance, with the support of the Give2Asia donation network (an international non-profit organization active in humanitarian efforts in over 20 countries in Asia and the Pacific), the Institute successfully carried out the two-phase Food Support Project for Target Groups Affected by COVID-19 in 2020 and 2021, providing direct assistance to over 40 vulnerable households. 

  • Urban and Rural Development

    IRIM has extensive knowledge and expertise in designing and conducting comprehensive research and assessment focused on local development, urbanization, and community engagement. IRIM’s studies delve into the challenges and difficulties encountered by various groups in relation to infrastructure development, urbanization dynamics, rural livelihoods, and migration. IRIM aims to identify innovative solutions and opportunities for these groups, contributing to the sustainable development of urban and rural areas.

    In terms of geographical experience, IRIM has a proven track record of conducting data collection across all 330 soums of 21 provinces. Leveraging this expertise, fieldwork is planned while considering the regional and seasonal characteristics of each area, as well as the cultural traits of ethnic minorities, nomads, and herders.